Methow Carbon-Farming Learning Group

WHAT: A series of loosely-facilitated evening discussions among farmers, ranchers, and orchardists about soil carbon.

WHY: Many of us are working hard to build soil and increase soil carbon on our farms.  We have ideas, experiences, resources and questions to share with each other! 


  • Thursday, Dec 12 5-7pm, at BCS Livestock: 19100 Hwy 20, Winthrop

  • Wednesday, Jan 8 5-7pm, at Methow Wild Fruits: 423 Twisp Carlton Road, Carlton.

  • Tuesday, Feb 11 TBD

  • Thursday, March 12 TBD

PROVISIONS: Dinner will be provided by the Methow Conservancy, but folks are welcomed to bring a beverage, appetizer, or dessert to share.

KIDS and babes are most welcome. Join us for ONE group meeting, or come to ALL. Please INVITE other farmers to attend, from the Methow or beyond.  Be sure to RSVP for each dinner to, so we have enough food!

HOMEWORK: there will be a pre-reading or video assignment that will require 20-30 minutes of your time and will provide a starting point for each evening’s discussion.

Agendas, reading and other materials will be posted below.