Methow Valley Seed collective


products: We offer over 100 different varieties of vegetable, flower, and herb seeds for the home gardener or small farmer. All of our seeds are open-pollinated and grown in the Methow Valley, where they are carefully selected to thrive in this region, the intermountain west.  We are continually learning about and growing our collection of varieties, and love feedback and conversation about favorites plants to grow in this region. 

about us: We're a budding collective of small farms collaborating together to curate, tend and breed beautiful plant varieties to maximize resilience, pest and disease resistance, vigor, and delicious taste. Our dream is that through this business we can do good work: connect with our community and provide deeper and more meaningful connection with our primary source of nourishment: the seed. For ourselves, our fellow farmers, and all who wish to grow plants and learn.

where to find our products: Order direct via our website: We offer local pick-up at TwispWorks and USPS shipping options. You can also find our seeds in stores locally. For an updated list of stores click here.

contact: Anaka Mines, Cailyn Brierley, and Kyle McKnelly

(509) 557-0532