Sunny Pine Farm


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products:  Certified-organic goat chèvre: plain, honey-lavender, black pepper-garlic, parsley-chive, garlic-basil -- as well as yogurt and feta.

about us:  Sunny Pine Farm is a certified-organic dairy located up the Twisp River in the Methow Valley. We have a variety of goats, about half our herd being Guernsey Goats. We also have a small herd of Guernsey and Jersey cows. The farm produces a variety of certified-organic cheeses and yogurt.

where to find our products:  Evergreen IGA, Glover Street Market, Hanks Harvest Foods, Rocking Horse Bakery, The Mazama Store, and many locations in Chelan, the Wenatchee Valley, Seattle, Bellingham, Portland, and beyond --

contact:  Carl M. Rapp Tania E. Gonzalez-Ortega

(509) 997-4812

*visitors welcome by appointment